Within the scope of the 2019 Social Development Support Program (SOGEP), the project “Kırköy Campus - 'Hope' for Disadvantaged Groups in Kırşehir”, which was submitted by the Municipality of Kırşehir, was entitled to be supported. A Project Contract has been signed between Kırşehir Municipality and Ahiler Development Agency (AHİKA). Kırşehir Mayor Selahattin EKİCİOĞLU and Vice-Mayors and project partners, President of Kırşehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mustafa YILMAZ, President of Kırşehir Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen Bahamettin ÖZTÜRK, Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Kırşehir Chamber of Agriculture Sinan PURCU and Ahiler Development Agency Secretary General Bekir VAROL and Kırşehir Investment Agency as well as experts from Kırşehir Investment Support Office attended the contract program.
Under the coordination of the Ahiler Development Agency, 3 projects from Kırşehir were sent to the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and as a result of the evaluation, the projects “Youth in Business Life with the Smart Furniture” submitted by Kırşehir Vocational Training Center and “Kırköy Campus - Hope for Disadvantaged Groups in Kırşehir” submitted by Kırşehir Municipality has been approved for support and the signing ceremony of the project titled “Youth in Business Life with the Smart Furniture” was held in the past few days.
Social Development Support Program (SOGEP) is carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology through Agencies to mobilize local dynamics and address social problems arising from poverty, migration and urbanization, to respond to the needs of the changing social structure, to enable the disadvantaged sections of the society to participate more actively in economic and social life, to increase employment, to support social inclusion, social entrepreneurship and innovation, and to expand social responsibility practices.